Item Coversheet

County of El Paso
Agenda Item Details


Item Title:County Admin - FY24 Multiyear Capital Plan
Submitted By:Jose M. Landeros, Director of Capital Planning, County Administration Department (915) 546-2159
Subject:(Postponed 12/21/23) Discuss and provide direction on the development of the FY2024 Multiyear Capital Plan for El Paso County, including, but not limited to, project selections, performance objectives and outcomes, performance management, operational management, corresponding financial planning related to capital investments and operational needs, and direction.
Fiscal Impact:
Prior Action:
Strategic Plan:..
Strategic Plan Information:

DescriptionUpload Date
County Stormwater Master Plan12/28/2023
County Parks Master Plan12/28/2023
County Events & Venue Feasibility Study12/28/2023
Courts and Council of Judges Project Proposals12/28/2023
Draft Multiyear Major Capital Plan Narrative - Updated 1.4.241/4/2024