Item Coversheet

County of El Paso
Agenda Item Details


Item Title:Purchasing - Poll Pad Annual Software License and Services
Submitted By:Karen L. Davidson, Purchasing Agent, Purchasing Department (915) 273-3349
Subject:Approve and authorize the Sole Source Purchase of Poll Pad Software and Hardware for the Elections Department from Hart Intercivic from Austin, TX in the grand total of $52,620.00. Funds are available in GF-ELECTIONS-MAINT/REP-GENERAL. Pursuant to Texas Local Government Code Section 262.024 (a)(7)(A), as a sole source item, it is exempt from the provisions of the County Purchasing Act. Sole Source will be re-evaluated at time of new contract to ensure compliance with statute.
Background:The Poll Pad software manages polling place voter check-in during early voting and on election day. Hart Intercivic Inc. is the only authorized reseller of KnowInk’s Poll Pad in the state of Texas. KnowInk provides the maintenance to the Poll Pad software and is the only vendor compatible with the equipment and software used by the Elections Department. Hart Intercivic is the only authorized reseller to provide the annual license and software renewal. Initial contract was done through the RFP process awarded to Hart Intercivic. 

Pursuant to Texas Local Government Code Section 262.024 (a)(7)(A), as a sole source item, it is exempt from the provisions of the County Purchasing Act. Sole Source will be re-evaluated at time of new contract to ensure compliance with statute.
Fiscal Impact:Total: $52,620.00

Recommendation:Approve and authorize the Sole Source Purchase of for the Elections Department from Hart Intercivic from Austin, TX in the grand total of $52,620.00. Funds are available in GF-ELECTIONS-MAINT/REP-GENERAL. Pursuant to Texas Local Government Code Section 262.024 (a)(7)(A), as a sole source item, it is exempt from the provisions of the County Purchasing Act. Sole Source will be re-evaluated at time of new contract to ensure compliance with statute.
Prior Action:N/A
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DescriptionUpload Date
SS Justification1/3/2024
SS Letter1/3/2024