Item Coversheet

County of El Paso
Agenda Item Details


Item Title:Budget & Fiscal Policy Department - BA45
Submitted By:Jessica C. Garza, Interim Director, Budget & Fiscal Policy Department (915) 546-2262
Subject:Approve amendment No.45 to the County of El Paso’s 2022-2023 operating budget. This budgetary amendment will increase Special Revenue by $22,399, increase Enterprise by $13,884, increase Grants by $61,216.71, thus increasing the overall budget of $771,160,704.51 to $771,258,204.22.

The County budget is being amended in accordance with Texas Local Government Code §111.0709.


Budget amendment is necessary:


·To increase the budget for County Solid Waste Enterprise as allowed per county guidelines.


·To increase the budget for the DA Coordinated Response Cap Murder 2023 grant account to reflect the actual amount received.


·To increase the budget for the Direct Victim Services For Sheriff's Office 2023 Grant as awarded and approved by the granting agency to adjust award for additional match to cover salaries/fringe expenses.


·To transfer appropriations within the Alternative Dispute Account to cover the cost of paying an ADRS invoice for September.

Fiscal Impact:This budgetary amendment will increase Special Revenue by $22,399.00, increase Enterprise by $13,884.00, increase Grants by $61,216.71, thus increasing the overall budget of $771,160,704.51 to $771,258,204.22.
Recommendation:The recommendation is for Commissioners Court to approve amendment No. 45 to the County of El Paso’s 2022-2023 operating budget. 
Prior Action:N/A
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BA45 Report10/17/2023