Item Coversheet

County of El Paso
Agenda Item Details


Item Title:Purchasing - Approve the Purchase and Installation of Office Built-Up and Mezzanine for the County of El Paso Public Works Department (12309860)
Submitted By:Karen L. Davidson, Purchasing Agent, Purchasing Department (915) 546-2048
Subject:Approve the Purchase and Installation for Office Built-up and Mezzanine for the County of El Paso Public Works Department (12309860) using TIPS Job Order Contract (JOC) 23010402 awarded to Keystone GC, LLC., of El Paso, Texas for a grand total of $153,160. Purchasing approved on September 27, 2023. Funding is available in SR-R&B-CAP OUT-RENOVATIONS.

The County is seeking to purchase and install office built-up and mezzanine to include walls, doors, insulation, and restrooms for the Public Works warehouse located at 15311 El Rosio Ave. Agua Dulce, Texas.


To ensure the County is obtaining the overall best value, to include pricing and terms, the Purchasing and Public Works Department reviewed available cooperative contracts and determined that the contract held by Keystone GC, LLC. conforms to the County’s needs.


TIPS Contract 23010402 Term: April 30, 2025

Fiscal Impact:

FY 2023 $153,200.00

FY 2024 $49,000.00

Total $153,160.00


Funding is available in:



Recommendation:Approve the Purchase and Installation for Office Built-up and Mezzanine for the County of El Paso Public Works Department (12309860) using TIPS Job Order Contract (JOC) 23010402 awarded to Keystone GC, LLC., of El Paso, Texas for a grand total of $153,160. Purchasing approved on September 27, 2023. Funding is available in SR-R&B-CAP OUT-RENOVATIONS.
Prior Action:N/A
Strategic Plan:..
Strategic Plan Information:

DescriptionUpload Date
Bid and Award10/12/2023
Contract Detail10/12/2023
approval form10/12/2023