Item Coversheet

County of El Paso
Agenda Item Details


Item Title:384th Adult Drug Court - FY24 Adult Drug Court Grant Award
Submitted By:Francisco X. Dominguez, District Judge, District Court 205th (915) 546-2107
Subject:GRANT AWARD - Approve and authorize the County Judge to accept the Governor's Office FY24 Specialty Court Program grant award in the amount of $145,105, from September 1, 2023, through August 31, 2024. No County match required. (Contract No. 2023-0832)
Background:The Adult Drug Court Treatment Program provides an alternative correctional approach for reducing recidivism for offenders suffering from substance abuse or Co-occurring Psychiatric and Substance Abuse Disorders (COPSD). The drug court treatment program promotes recovery through a coordinated team response to offenders through service coordination and continuity of care. The program has received this grant for the past 20 years.
Fiscal Impact:

Grant Award - $145,105

Match - NONE


An account will be set up by County Auditors once the grant award has been approved by County Commissioners. 

Recommendation:GRANT AWARD - Approve and authorize the County Judge to accept the Governor's Office FY24 Specialty Court Program grant award in the amount of $145,105, from September 1, 2023, through August 31, 2024. No County match required. (Contract No. 2023-0832)
Prior Action:2022-0957 Grant Award $139,070.88, 11/14/2022 Item 4-AQ
Strategic Plan:..
Strategic Plan Information:

DescriptionUpload Date
Statement of Grant Award (SOGA)10/5/2023
Congratulatory Letter10/5/2023