Item Coversheet

County of El Paso
Agenda Item Details


Item Title:Community Services Department/Nutrition Program/AAA Direct Purchase of Services Program/ TDA Grant FY24 (2023-0803)
Submitted By:Irene G. Valenzuela, Executive Director, Community Services Department (915) 775-2708
Subject:GRANT APPLICATION - Approve and authorize the Community Services Department, to submit a grant application to the Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA) Texans Feeding Texans: Home-Delivered Meal Program from February 1, 2024, through January 31, 2025 in the amount of $125,000. A County match is required in the amount of $35,734.75. Further, authorize the County Judge to sign the Resolution, Grant Program Year 2024 form and other required forms.  (Contract No. 2023-0803)

El Paso County Nutrition Program provides home delivered meals to seniors 60 years or older and persons with disabilities. The Nutrition Program applies to various grants annually to secure funding that supports the meals delivered to program participants, including this Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA) competitive grant.


The Nutrition Program anticipates serving 69 home delivered meal participants in Fiscal Year (FY) 2024, at the requested funding of $125,000.00. The required grant match is met through employee salaries in department operation budget.


Below are the previous TDA grant awards:

·         FY2023 - $76,358.31;

·         FY2022 - $125,738.34;

·         FY2021- $101,498.78;

·         FY2020 - $102,497.77.  

Fiscal Impact:Grant funds anticipated $125,000.00 to provide direct assistance. Grant requires a match of $35,734.75, which is met through the Program’s annual operating budget. 
Recommendation:GRANT APPLICATION - Approve and authorize the Community Services Department, to submit a grant application to the Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA) Texans Feeding Texans: Home-Delivered Meal Program from February 1, 2024, through January 31, 2025 in the amount of $125,000. A County match is required in the amount of $35,734.75. Further, authorize the County Judge to sign the Resolution, Grant Program Year 2024 form and other required forms.  (Contract No. 2023-0803)
Prior Action:

February 6, 2023, Item 4-Y, Contract No. 2023-0070

February 7, 2022, Item 4-I, Contract No.  2022-0071

Strategic Plan:..
Strategic Plan Information:

DescriptionUpload Date
CA Approval Form10/18/2023
Grant Documents10/18/2023
Grant Submittal Form10/18/2023