Item Coversheet

County of El Paso
Agenda Item Details


Item Title:Community Services Department/ Office of New Americans/ Migrant Support Services Operations Center
Submitted By:Irene G. Valenzuela, Executive Director, Community Services Department (915) 775-2708
Subject:Discuss and take appropriate action on identifying funds for the proposed Migrant Support Services Operations Center and ongoing migrant support needs.

As directed by the Court on its June 6, 2022 agenda, the Purchasing Department received proposals from GSA contractors to operate a proposed migrant center.  Staff also identified potential sites and reviewed lease terms and proposals from several different commercial properties.


The estimated cost for the entire operation with a third-party contractor including site lease, maintenance, janitorial services and contingencies is approximately $465,000 per month. This is approximately $70,000 lower than what we estimated it would cost for the County to do in-house. Our recommendation would be to outsource the operations to the preferred GSA third party contractor.


Before Purchasing can make a recommendation for award to the preferred GSA contractor, funds will need to be identified to cover the cost of the operations.  The Court may consider allocating general fund dollars pending funding confirmation from FEMA’s Humanitarian Aid grant funds. There is a meeting pending for 9/8/2022 to receive funding guidance from FEMA.  Updated information will be disclosed during the public discussion of this item. 

Fiscal Impact:

Approximately $465,000 per month.

Annual cost is approximately $5,580,000.  

Recommendation:Discuss and take appropriate action on identifying funds for the proposed Migrant Support Services Operations Center and ongoing migrant support needs.
Prior Action:June 6, 2022; item 11
Strategic Plan:..
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