Item Coversheet

County of El Paso
Agenda Item Details


Item Title:Community Services Department/ Senior Nutrition Program/ Fifth Amendment Meals Services
Submitted By:Irene G. Valenzuela, Executive Director, Community Services Department (915) 775-2708
Subject:Approve and authorize the County Judge to sign the Fifth Amendment to the Services Agreement Between the County of El Paso Texas and Selrico Services, Inc. for Congregate and Home Delivered Meals for the City-County Nutrition Program, for the second of three (3) six-month renewal options with a term effective October 9, 2022, through April 8, 2023.  (Contract No. 2022-0664)

On April 8, 2019, the County of El Paso Texas and Selrico Services, Inc. entered into an agreement for congregate and home delivered meals (Contract 2019-0158) and subsequently amended the original Services Agreement.  The County and Vendor agree to exercise the second of three (3) six-month renewal options of the Agreement at the same unit rate per congregate and home delivered meal.


This amendment also reflects a change in the number of centers serving pre-plated meals from eight (8) to five (5) centers and reflects the home delivered meal program requirement of the vendor having a face-to-face encounter with the participant at least two times a week.  The term of the second renewal shall not exceed six (6) months.        

Fiscal Impact:No fiscal impact for this action. 
Recommendation:Approve and authorize the County Judge to sign the Fifth Amendment to the Services Agreement Between the County of El Paso Texas and Selrico Services, Inc. for Congregate and Home Delivered Meals for the City-County Nutrition Program, for the second of three (3) six-month renewal options with a term effective October 9, 2022, through April 8, 2023.  (Contract No. 2022-0664)
Prior Action:

May 9, 2022, Amendment 4, Item #4-E, 2022-0331

March 28, 2022, Amendment 3, Item #16, 2022-0220

November 2, 2020, Amendment 2, Item #18, 2020-0930

Strategic Plan:..
Strategic Plan Information:

DescriptionUpload Date
5th Amendment9/6/2022
CA Approval Form9/6/2022