Item Coversheet

County of El Paso
Agenda Item Details


Item Title:Commissioner Pct. 3 - Rio Grande COG Grant Writing Position
Submitted By:Iliana Holguin, Commissioner, Pct. 3 (915) 546-2144
Subject:Discuss and take appropriate action on entering into a collaborative agreement with the Rio Grande Council of Governments for the creation of a grant writer position that will focus on identifying federal funding opportunities for rural communities located throughout El Paso County in the amount of $35,000. Funding is available in account GF-GADM-CONTR SVC-GEN.  

The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act is a once-in-a-generation investment in our nation’s infrastructure. This law will help rebuild our country’s roads, bridges and rails, expand access to clean drinking water, ensure every American has access to high-speed internet, tackle the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, and invest in communities that have too often been left behind. Millions of dollars in potential grant funding are already available to communities across the country. While larger governmental entities, such as the County of El Paso, have the capacity and resources to obtain the assistance of consulting firms that can help identify appropriate funding opportunities for the County and assist with the submission of such grant applications, smaller governmental entities located within the rural portions of El Paso County do not have that same capacity or those same resources.  Thus, even though these smaller governmental entities, such as rural water districts, small municipalities and rural school districts, may be eligible and be good candidates for this new and available funding, our County could lose out on millions of additional dollars because of their lack of capacity to apply for this funding. Any federal funds obtained by these smaller, rural governmental entities would certainly be a benefit to the County of El Paso, as the funding would improve necessary infrastructure within the County for the benefit of County residents.


The Rio Grande Council of Governments has extensive experience with identifying federal funding opportunities and submitting grant applications to federal agencies. Additionally, the Rio Grande COG has existing working relationships with the smaller governmental entities that may need assistance with identifying and applying for federal funds under the Infrastructure Act. The COG has requested an initial contribution of $35,000 to help fund a part-time position at the COG that would focus on identifying grant opportunities and assisting the smaller governmental agencies in submitting such grant applications. The interlocal agreement between the County and the COG would expire on September 30, 2023, and at that time the effectiveness of the collaboration would be evaluated. Once grants are awarded, the position would then become self-sustaining from funding from the administrative portion of each grant award.  

Fiscal Impact:

Funding in the amount of $35,000 is available in account:




Recommendation:Discuss and take appropriate action on entering into a collaborative agreement with the Rio Grande Council of Governments for the creation of a grant writer position that will focus on identifying federal funding opportunities for rural communities located throughout El Paso County in the amount of $35,000. Funding is available in account GF-GADM-CONTR SVC-GEN.  
Prior Action:
Strategic Plan:..
Strategic Plan Information:

DescriptionUpload Date
RGCOG.El Paso County presentation6/24/2022
Grantwriter - JD6/24/2022