Item Coversheet

County of El Paso
Agenda Item Details


Item Title:County Administration - Quality Texas Foundation 2022 Malcom Baldrige Framework Commitment Level Recognition
Submitted By:Betsy C. Keller, CM, Chief Administrator, County Administration Department (915) 546-2215
Subject:Recognize the County of El Paso for receiving the Quality Texas Foundation 2022 Malcom Baldrige Framework Commitment Level recognition for Performance Excellence.

The Malcolm Baldrige Quality Texas Foundation Commitment Level application is the first step in reaching the County's mission of "Delivering sound and exceptional public service to the people of El Paso County...". By engaging in the Baldrige process, organizations conduct a self-assessment of functions related to Leadership (governance), Strategic Planning, Customers (residents and businesses), knowledge management, human resources, and operations to improve efficiencies and effectiveness in providing County residents and businesses with world-class services. Baldrige Award recipients include the City of Coral Springs, Florida (2007), the City of Irving, Texas (2012), and the City of Fort Collins, Colorado (2017).


On behalf of the Governor of Texas, the Quality Texas Foundation Regional Program (TX, MO, KS, LA, OK, and Puerto Rico), and the Board of Directors, it is indeed our privilege to issue the County of El Paso the Commitment Level recognition for Performance Excellence as an acknowledgment of your improving organization and devoted service to your residents and your community.


This recognition reflects the County's commitment to leadership, strategic planning, customer service, appropriate measures, workforce engagement, and operational excellence. Your willingness to undertake the tasks of completing an honest twenty-page document and accepting the feedback for improvements stands alone and above entities in our region. 

Fiscal Impact:No Fiscal Impact 
Recommendation:Recognize the County of El Paso for receiving the Quality Texas Foundation 2022 Malcom Baldrige Framework Commitment Level recognition for Performance Excellence.
Prior Action:On May 23, 2022 - Approve and authorize the County Judge to sign and submit the County’s Quality Texas Foundation Malcolm Baldrige-Commitment Level application.  (#116-OP)
Strategic Plan:..
Strategic Plan Information:

Strategic Plan 2022-2023

Goal 9: Optimize Internal Processes 

Objective 9.4 Evaluate and assess current business processes

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Malcolm Baldrige Letter6/24/2022