Item Coversheet

County of El Paso
Agenda Item Details


Item Title:Budget & Fiscal Policy Department - Bond Counsel Engagement Letter (2022-0450)
Submitted By:Wallace Hardgrove, Executive Director, Budget and Fiscal Policy Department (915) 546-2262
Subject:Approve and authorize the County Judge to sign the bond counsel engagement proposal with McCall, Parkhurst & Horton, LLP for the proposed issuance of El Paso County, Texas Tax Note, Taxable Series 2022.  (Contract No. 2022-0450)
Background:On May16, 2022, the Court received a presentation and authorized staff to proceed with the issuance of a short-term Tax Anticipation Note for the purpose of funding various capital projects.
Fiscal Impact:None
Recommendation:Approve and authorize the County Judge to sign the bond counsel engagement proposal with McCall, Parkhurst & Horton, LLP for the proposed issuance of El Paso County, Texas Tax Note, Taxable Series 2022.  (Contract No. 2022-0450)
Prior Action:
Strategic Plan:..
Strategic Plan Information:

DescriptionUpload Date
Engagement Letter6/22/2022
County Attorney Approval Form6/22/2022