Item Coversheet

County of El Paso
Agenda Item Details


Item Title:Information Technology Department - Contract No. 2022-0462 | SoftwareOne, Inc. - Adobe Products / Customer No US-SCU-143306 / Quote #US-QUO-1019469 / Amendment 22 - Public Defender
Submitted By:Christopher Stathis, Chief Information Officer, Information Technology Department (915) 546-2041
Subject:Approve and authorize the County Judge to sign the Amendment to Contract No. 2019-0570 for the Software License Agreement between the County of El Paso and SoftwareOne. Funding in the amount of $2,570.10 is available in GF-PUBLICDEFEND-OFFICE EXPENSE. (Contract No. 2022-0462) 

Information Technology Department (ITD) manages the master software license agreement with SoftwareOne for Adobe products such as Adobe Acrobat Pro, Photoshop, Adobe Stock, Creative Cloud, and others, and is maintained by ITD.


Information Technology Department is requesting approval of Quote No. US-QUO-1019469 to purchase sixty-five Acrobat Pro DC licenses for the Public Defender's Office.


Purchasing Department has reviewed and approved RQ12206408.


The County Attorney's Office has reviewed and approved Contract No. 2022-0462.

Fiscal Impact:

Funding is available in the amount of $2,570.10 in account:




Recommendation:Approve and authorize the County Judge to sign the Amendment to Contract No. 2019-0570 for the Software License Agreement between the County of El Paso and SoftwareOne. Funding in the amount of $2,570.10 is available in GF-PUBLICDEFEND-OFFICE EXPENSE. (Contract No. 2022-0462) 
Prior Action:On August 26, 2019, Commissioners Court approved Contract No. 2019-0570 under agenda item #4-M. 
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