Item Coversheet

County of El Paso
Agenda Item Details


Item Title:Information Technology Department - Contract No. 2022-0466 | ENVISIO - ARPA Consulting / County Strategic Plan Manager Software / Yr 2022-2025
Submitted By:Christopher Stathis, Chief Information Officer, Information Technology Department (915) 546-2041
Subject:Approve and authorize the County Judge to sign the amendment to Contract No. 2022-0364 with Envisio Solutions, Inc. to correctly reflect term dates from March 25, 2022 through March 24, 2025. Funding in the amount of $80,350.28 is available in SG-ARPLAN21-OPRATING EX and GF-ITDMAINT/REP/SOFTWARE. (Contract No. 2022-0466) 

The County of El Paso Information Technology Department (ITD) is committed to supporting robust and functional enterprise software solutions. To achieve this goal, ITD dedicates resources focused on understanding and maintaining organizational software systems. ITD strives to consolidate our software systems to leverage institutional knowledge, focused training, and more efficient support.


Because the County of El Paso requires a transparent and strategic approach that enlists a budget of over 400 million and a resident base of over 800k, it is necessary to use the aid of software to aid develop of strategic initiatives and share results with the public. Strategic planning software is a category of software that covers a wide range of strategic topics, methodologies, modeling, and reporting. Such software helps in the development and execution of plans and tracks and improves performance. In this approach the idea is to implement strategic plans which is often similar in functionality to project portfolio management.


The County of El Paso licenses the use of strategic planning software by the name of Envisio Analytics, Plans, and Public Dashboards from the vendor Envisio Solutions, Inc. The software is utilized by the County Administration Department to plan and project County projects. More specifically, the software provides a means to capture strategic goals, outline actions, track timelines, show who the responsible department is for actions, and provide dashboards and reports.


ITD is requesting that the Court approve and authorize the County Judge to sign an Agreement for the continued use, support, and maintenance of this software. The agreement has been reviewed and approved by ITD, the County Attorney’s Office, and the Purchasing Department. ITD recommends approval.


Requisition No. 12205781 has been reviewed and approved by Purchasing.


Contract No. 2022-0466 has been reviewed and approved by County Attorney's Office.

Fiscal Impact:Funding is available in the total amount of $80,350.28 for a three-year term.



Recommendation:Approve and authorize the County Judge to sign the amendment to Contract No. 2022-0364 with Envisio Solutions, Inc. to correctly reflect term dates from March 25, 2022 through March 24, 2025. Funding in the amount of $80,350.28 is available in SG-ARPLAN21-OPRATING EX and GF-ITDMAINT/REP/SOFTWARE. (Contract No. 2022-0466) 
Prior Action:On May 2, 2022, Commissioners Court approved the Sole Source Purchase of Envisio Strategic Plan Manager Software for County Administration through Information Technology Department (12205781) to Envisio Solutions, Inc., Richmond, BC in the amount of $80,350.28, under agenda item #4-Q.
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