Item Coversheet

County of El Paso
Agenda Item Details


Item Title:Public Works/Parks & Rec - Letter of Intent Brownfield Study Project
Submitted By:Norma R. Palacios, Director, Public Works Department (915) 546-2015
Subject:Approve and authorize the Public Works/Parks and Recreation Department to work with County Attorney's Office to obtain an access agreement and a letter of intent from property owners, in order for the County to apply for a grant with the US Environmental Protection Agency to conduct a Brownfield Study for the property adjacent to the Sportspark.  (137-OP) (Precinct 3)

The Court voted to adopt the Parks and Recreation Master Plan that includes the Vision to increase the footprint of the Sportspark for additional amenities.


Table 4.21:Sportspark Implementation Strategy

Action 2. Investigate Potential Field Expansion Opportunities.

Review options to add additional diamond fields through reconfiguration (limited potential for expansion) or acquisition.

Conduct background reviews to ensure site viability for development and environmental considerations

Fiscal Impact:



Recommendation:Approve and authorize the Public Works/Parks and Recreation Department to work with County Attorney's Office to obtain an access agreement and a letter of intent from property owners, in order for the County to apply for a grant with the US Environmental Protection Agency to conduct a Brownfield Study for the property adjacent to the Sportspark.  (137-OP) (Precinct 3)
Prior Action:Adoption of Parks and Recreation Master Plan 11/2021
Strategic Plan:..
Strategic Plan Information:

DescriptionUpload Date
Sportspark Brownfield Project6/22/2022