Item Coversheet

County of El Paso
Agenda Item Details


Item Title:Planning & Development - FY23 Department Fee Schedule Updates
Submitted By:Jose M. Landeros, Director of Strategic Development, County Administration Department (915) 546-2215
Subject:Approve and adopt the Planning & Development Department's FY2023 Fee Schedules, as described in the attached backup, within the County Subdivision Order (88-OP), County Right-of-Way Cut & Entry Regulations (89-OP), and the County Flood Damage Prevention Order (90-OP).
Background:The Planning & Development Department enforce and administers a variety of rules and regulations across different Court Orders and regulations.

Subdivision Order & Flood Damage Prevention Order
The Department's two main sources to regulate new development and provide for the health, safety and welfare of the community are the Subdivision Order and the Flood Damage Prevention Order. Both of these documents are currently being updated to align with modernized standards, rules and regulations. Part of that update includes revisiting fees, some of which were last revised in 2005. To ensure these changes can be accounted for by the Budget & Fiscal Policy Department and Office of County Auditor in relation to development of the FY2023 Budget, the update fee changes are being presented for consideration and will be posted for adoption later this month. The updated orders will be presented to the Court in the coming months and are recommended to take effect at the start of Fiscal Year 2023.

Right-of-Way Cut & Entry Regulations
The Commissioners Court previously approved the various fees, policies and procedures for the Road Entry & Access Permit (REAP) and Road Inspection & Maintenance Fund (RIM) in accordance with the necessary and respective state statutes as part of the FY2022 Budget Process. The item requests the Court's consideration of the re-adoption of the fees and procedures for fees, permits, policies and procedures described in the attached backup. The only proposed revision to the order is the introduction of a driveway permit fee under the RIM Section of the document. This new permit fee is recommended to ensure residents who are following the County's recently adopted Right-of-Way Access Order (Driveway Order) can install a driveway and pay a $60 fee. If the new fee structure is not adopted, residents may be forced to pay up to $250 for a preliminary permit.
Fiscal Impact:

The Department recommends the following action by respective Order:


County Subdivision Order (88-OP)

Pursuant to Texas Local Government Code Sections 232.0021 and 232.0305, approve and adopt the revised El Paso County Subdivision Order Fee Schedule as presented by staff and described in the attached backup, effective October 1, 2022.


County Right-of-Way Cut & Entry Regulations (89-OP)

Approve and authorize the re-adoption of the Road Entry & Access Permit (REAP), including the applicable fees and procedures, related to the disturbance of County rights-of-way caused by granting entry and access to facilities, as part of the County’s development of the FY 2023 budget. Further, approve and authorize the re-adoption of the Road Inspection & Maintenance Fund (RIM) fees and procedures related to the cutting of County rights-of-way, including the new Preliminary & Standard Residential Driveway fees as described in the attached backup, as authorized by Texas Local Government Code Chapter 240.907. Both fees shall take effect October 1, 2022.


County Flood Damage Prevention Order (90-OP)

Pursuant to Texas Water Code Section 16.315(16), approve and adopt the El Paso County Flood Damage Prevention Order Fee Schedule, as described in the attached backup, related to covering the cost of administering a local floodplain management program, effective October 1, 2022.

Prior Action:June 16, 2022 - Receive a presentation from the Planning & Development Department regarding updating fees for FY2023 within the County Subdivision Order (88-OP), County Right-of-Way Cut & Entry Regulations (89-OP), and the County Flood Damage Prevention Order (90-OP). Further, receive any public comment regarding any of the proposed updated fee schedules.
Strategic Plan:..
Strategic Plan Information:

DescriptionUpload Date
Public Comment & County Response Exhibit6/22/2022
Revised Flood Damage Prevention Order Fee Schedule6/22/2022
Revised Subdivision Order Fee Schedule6/22/2022
Revised Roadway Cut & Entry Policy Fee Schedule6/22/2022