Item Coversheet

County of El Paso
Agenda Item Details


Item Title:Parks & Rec - Proposed Fee's for FY23
Submitted By:Veronica Myers, Director, Parks and Recreation Department (915) 771-2370
Subject:Approve and adopt the Public Works/Parks and Recreation Department fee changes as presented at the Special Meeting on June 16, 2022, as per Local Government Code, Title 10, Subtitle B, Chapter 316.  

The PW/Parks and Recreation Department would like to recommend changes to the fee schedule in an effort to align fees with the adopted Industry Standard Pyramid Methodology for Cost-Recovery, in which as more individual benefit is provided, that excludes other public access, the higher the cost. In addition, there has been an increased cost in fuel, shipping costs and landscaping materials.


Commissioner Stout attended a community meeting with golfers on June 14, 2022, and Sito Negron was present for the one on June 20, 2022. Additional meetings were held at the Sportspark on 6/15 and 6/21/22. The only concern was the increased cost to senior green fees to which Mike explained the discounted rate of the monthly membership, which most of them purchase at $91/9 usual uses = $10, instead of $17.

Fiscal Impact:

Increase Revenue

Recommendation:Approve and adopt the Public Works/Parks and Recreation Department fee changes as presented at the Special Meeting on June 16, 2022, as per Local Government Code, Title 10, Subtitle B, Chapter 316.  
Prior Action:

Approved Industry Standard Pyramid Methodology for Cost-Recovery of new programs, activities and special events on December 17, 2018.


Last increase to all green fees approved by Court on 9/23/2019

Last Fee schedule approved 7/12/21

Presentation at Commissioners Court Special Meeting on 6/16/22

Strategic Plan:..
Strategic Plan Information:

DescriptionUpload Date
Parks and Recreation Fee Schedule - Proposed Fee's for FY236/21/2022