Item Coversheet

County of El Paso
Agenda Item Details


Item Title:Parks & Rec - TPWD Off-Highway Vehicle Decal Fund Extension (2022-0434)
Submitted By:Veronica Myers, Director, Parks and Recreation Department (915) 771-2370
Subject:Approve and authorize the PW/Parks and Recreation Department to amend the grant contract with the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Recreation Trails Off-Highway Vehicle Decal Fund to reflect a one-year extension. The grant in the amount of $90,000 is for the construction (including master plan of site) of San Felipe Park OHV Park. This grant does not require any matching funds. (Contract No. 2022-0434)
Background:The grant was awarded from TPWD OHV Decal Fund for San Felipe Park and can be used as match funds for the $400,000 grant that was awarded in 2019. The grant was only good for 9 months and the deadline was originally for 6/30/22. The County is requesting an extension to ensure proper community engagement in the design process.
Fiscal Impact:

The grant was awarded from TPWD OHV Decal Fund for San Felipe Park and can be used as match funds for the $400,000 grant that was awarded in 2019. The grant was only good for 9 months and the deadline was originally for 6/30/22. The County is requesting an extension to ensure proper community engagement in the design process.

Recommendation:Approve and authorize the PW/Parks and Recreation Department to amend the grant contract with the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Recreation Trails Off-Highway Vehicle Decal Fund to reflect a one-year extension. The grant in the amount of $90,000 is for the construction (including master plan of site) of San Felipe Park OHV Park. This grant does not require any matching funds. (Contract No. 2022-0434)
Prior Action:

Grant award approved 9/20/21


Commissioners Court approval to apply for the 2018 TPWD Recreation Trails OHV Grant for San Felipe Park on 11/19/2018

Strategic Plan:..
Strategic Plan Information:

DescriptionUpload Date
2022-0434 Grant Agreement (2) - OH190056/21/2022
CA Approval - Contract No. 2022-04346/21/2022