Item Coversheet

County of El Paso
Agenda Item Details


Item Title:Budget & Fiscal Policy Department - CCC at Law No. 2 - 2Love1 Funding
Submitted By:Wallace Hardgrove, Executive Director, Budget and Fiscal Policy Department (915) 546-2262
Subject:Pursuant to Chapter 59.06(h) of the Code of Criminal Procedure, approve and authorize the transfer of $41,000 from the County’s 10% portion of the District Attorney Forfeiture funds, previously donated to the County of El Paso, to the County Criminal Court at Law No. 2 DWI Court for the 2Love1 services for DWI Drug Court participants. Funding is available in SR-DA10%DF-XFER OUT.
Background:The transfer is to continue services with 2Love1 for DWI Drug Court participants. Participants are provided life skills to include: nutrition, financial, family, parenting and marriage counseling.
Fiscal Impact:

Funding in the amount of $41,000 is available in:





Further approve the transfer from:

SR-DA10%DF-XFER OUT $41,000






Recommendation:Pursuant to Chapter 59.06(h) of the Code of Criminal Procedure, approve and authorize the transfer of $41,000 from the County’s 10% portion of the District Attorney Forfeiture funds, previously donated to the County of El Paso, to the County Criminal Court at Law No. 2 DWI Court for the 2Love1 services for DWI Drug Court participants. Funding is available in SR-DA10%DF-XFER OUT.
Prior Action:Contract amendment approved for 2Love1services for DWI Intervention and Treatment Program on 7/27/2020 Item: 4B.
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