Item Coversheet

County of El Paso
Agenda Item Details


Item Title:SO - Texas Gang Intelligence Index (TXGANG) User Agreement (2022-0430)
Submitted By:Sheriff Richard D. Wiles, El Paso County Sheriff's Office (915) 546-2217
Subject:Approve and authorize the County Judge to sign the Texas Gang Intelligence Index (TXGANG) User Agreement with the Texas Department of Public Safety, on behalf of the El Paso County Sheriff's Office (participating Agency) to facilitate in the investigation, prosecution and/or punishment of criminal offenses relating to a criminal street gang.  (Contract No. 2022-0430)
Background:The Texas Department of Public Safety implements these operating policies and procedures to govern the submission, query, dissemination, and retention of records in an electronic gang information index. The index is designed to provide for timely sharing of criminal intelligence information among criminal justice personnel through rapid access and response to statewide gang-related queries. While protecting the privacy and constitutional rights of each named individual, the index contains, within a statewide repository, a record summary of certain criminal intelligence information relating to an individual gang member and that individual’s gang. The index contains information on a criminal street gang organization only insofar as that information is a proper part of an individual gang member’s record.
Fiscal Impact:N/A
Recommendation:Approve and authorize the County Judge to sign the Texas Gang Intelligence Index (TXGANG) User Agreement with the Texas Department of Public Safety, on behalf of the El Paso County Sheriff's Office (participating Agency) to facilitate in the investigation, prosecution and/or punishment of criminal offenses relating to a criminal street gang.  (Contract No. 2022-0430)
Prior Action:No prior action.
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