Item Coversheet

County of El Paso
Agenda Item Details


Item Title:SO - COPS SRO Grant Match Approval
Submitted By:Sheriff Richard D. Wiles, El Paso County Sheriff's Office (915) 538-2234
Subject:Approve and authorize the transfer of Sheriff's Office salary savings funds, in the amount of $880,808, from FY22 through FY24, to contribute additional and necessary match funds for salaries and benefits related to the FY20 Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) Hiring Program. Funds are available in GF-SOPATROL-SALARY-FT REGULAR.

Through the FY20 COPS Hiring Program, the El Paso County Sheriff's Office has agreements with Clint ISD and San Elizario ISD to employ full-time School Resource Officers (SROs). Clint ISD has 14 SROs and San Elizario ISD has 2 SROs. These SROs are County employees through the Sheriff's Office.


Minimum grant match in the amount $688,742, will be provided by the two partnering school districts. However, when SRO salary and benefit projections were completed, it was predicted additional match funds would be needed to pay for complete salaries and benefits expenses through the end of the grant award period.


The Fiscal Impact section includes a summary of the match funding needed from FY22 through FY24.

Fiscal Impact:

Match needed for Clint ISD SRO salaries and benefits:

FY22.......... $72,398
FY23........ $634,006
FY24.......... $64,302


Match needed for San Elizario ISD SRO salaries and benefits:



Total funding to be utilized for SRO salaries and benefits, if approved: $880,808


Match funding is available in: 




Funds will be transferred if/when it is approved by Commissioners Court.

Recommendation:Approve and authorize the transfer of Sheriff's Office salary savings funds, in the amount of $880,808, from FY22 through FY24, to contribute additional and necessary match funds for salaries and benefits related to the FY20 Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) Hiring Program. Funds are available in GF-SOPATROL-SALARY-FT REGULAR.
Prior Action:

Grant application (2020-0175), approved by CC on 3/9/2020

Grant award acceptance (2020-0580), approved by CC on 7/20/2020 

Strategic Plan:..
Strategic Plan Information:

DescriptionUpload Date
Salary & Benefits Projection6/22/2022