Item Coversheet

County of El Paso
Agenda Item Details


Item Title:Purchasing - Purchase of Ten Leased Copiers
Submitted By:Debra Carrejo-Trull, CPPO, CPPB, Purchasing Agent, Purchasing Department (915) 546-2048
Subject:Approve the purchase of Ten Leased Copiers for 60 months for Juvenile Probation Department using TIPS Cooperative Contract 18-0103 awarded to Benchmark Business Solutions of El Paso, TX, in the amount of $91,225.80. Purchasing approved on June 18, 2020. Funding is available in GF-JPD-RENT/LEASES.

The County was seeking a qualified vendor for the lease of ten copy machines to include maintenance and service for a term of 60 months.


TIPS contract term end date:  March 26, 2021


To ensure the County is obtaining the overall best value, to include pricing and terms, the Purchasing Department and the Juvenile Probation Department reviewed available cooperative contracts and determined that the contract held by Benchmark Business Solutions through TIPS conforms to the County’s needs.

Fiscal Impact:

Funding available in:




Recommendation:Approve the purchase of Ten Leased Copiers for 60 months for Juvenile Probation Department using TIPS Cooperative Contract 18-0103 awarded to Benchmark Business Solutions of El Paso, TX, in the amount of $91,225.80. Purchasing approved on June 18, 2020. Funding is available in GF-JPD-RENT/LEASES.
Prior Action:N/A
Strategic Plan:..
Strategic Plan Information:

DescriptionUpload Date
Approval Form6/24/2020
Vendor Quote6/24/2020