Item Coversheet

County of El Paso
Agenda Item Details


Item Title:Budget & Fiscal Policy Department - BA37
Submitted By:Wallace Hardgrove, Executive Director, Budget and Fiscal Policy Department (915) 546-2262
Subject:Approve amendment No. 37 to the County of El Paso’s 2019-2020 operating budget. This budgetary amendment will decrease Grants by $5,000, thus decreasing the overall budget of $519,742,116.17 to $519,737,116.17 

To include statutory requirement, operational impact, or performance goal.

The County budget is being amended in accordance with Texas Local Government Code §111.0415.


Budget amendment is necessary:


·To transfer appropriations within the Capital Improvement account to cover the cost to purchase a body temperature camera for the new security system at the Sheriff Headquarters.


·To transfer appropriations from the General and Administrative Contingency account to the Facilities Renovation account to cover the cost to replace the carpet at JP-2.


·To decrease the budget for the grants prevention and intervention account for the de-obligation of funds as approved by the Texas Juvenile Justice Department.


·To transfer appropriations within the DA Special division to cover expenses until year end.


·To transfer appropriations within the County Attorney department to cover Juvenile court fees.


·To transfer appropriations within the Sheriff Office State Forfeiture department to cover the cost of a negative balance and expenditures for the remainder of the fiscal year.


Fiscal Impact:

This budgetary amendment will decrease Grants by $5,000, thus decreasing the overall budget of $519,742,116.17 to $519,737,116.17   


The recommendation is for Commissioners Court to approve amendment No. 37 to the County of El Paso’s 2019-2020 operating budget. 

Prior Action:N/A
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BA37 Report6/24/2020