Item Coversheet

County of El Paso
Agenda Item Details


Item Title:JP1- JP Security fund budget amendment
Submitted By:Judge Robert T. Pearson, Justice of the Peace, Pct. 1 (915) 534-3917
Subject:Approve and authorize an amendment to increase the FY20 Security Fund approved budget in the amount of $8,268 from Special Revenue Fund 6045. This amended request is to support the cost of programming and services from Tyler Technology. Funding is available in the SR-JUSTCRTSEC-OPS CONTINGENCIE account. Further, approve the re-allocation of funds in the amount of $8,268 from SR-JUSTCRTSEC-OPS CONTINGENCIE to the SR-JUSTCRTSEC-OPS EQUIPMENT account.
Background:During the passing of the FY20 budget for the JP Security fund with the adoption of the budget on September 9, 2019, the item for the Deputy e-citation writers was submitted with a quote. The amended request is to support the cost of programming and services from Tyler Technology for a total increase of $8,268. The budget line items will be adjusted to reflect the change.
Fiscal Impact:

Funds are available in the amount of $8,268 from the Justice of the Peace Security Fund (Special Revenue Fund 6045). If approved, a transfer will be made as follows:







Recommendation:Approve and authorize an amendment to increase the FY20 Security Fund approved budget in the amount of $8,268 from Special Revenue Fund 6045. This amended request is to support the cost of programming and services from Tyler Technology. Funding is available in the SR-JUSTCRTSEC-OPS CONTINGENCIE account. Further, approve the re-allocation of funds in the amount of $8,268 from SR-JUSTCRTSEC-OPS CONTINGENCIE to the SR-JUSTCRTSEC-OPS EQUIPMENT account.
Prior Action:Commissioners Court approved the original Justice of the Peace Security fund FY20 budget request in the amount of $128,029.60 on September 9, 2019, with the adoption of the county budget for FY20.
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Purchase Order 220075236/23/2020