Item Coversheet

County of El Paso
Agenda Item Details


Item Title:Elections - Ballot by Mail Services Agreement
Submitted By:Lisa Wise, Elections Administrator, Elections Department (915) 546-2154
Subject:Approve and authorize the County Judge to sign the Ballot and Mail Services Agreement with Runbeck Election Services from June 26, 2020, through June 26, 2024. Funding is available in SG-CAREHAV20-OPERATING EXP and SR-ELECTSVC-ELECTIONS EXPENSE. (Contract No. 2020-0375)
Background:Runbeck will perform the ballot printing and mailing services (and related products) that are described in Exhibits A and B for the County of El Paso, Elections Department. Runbeck will complete the initial file for all said elections throughout the contract term.

Fiscal Impact:

Amount not to exceed $900,000.


Total of services depends on number of pieces mailed per election. Currently amount is undetermined for each election. We will be utilizing the Texas Secretary of State 2020 CARES Act Help America Vote Act Grant for the November election cost.


The current fiscal year will be paid out of the grant account below not to exceed $70,000.





All remaining fiscal years will be paid out of the following account:




Recommendation:Approve and authorize the County Judge to sign the Ballot and Mail Services Agreement with Runbeck Election Services from June 26, 2020, through June 26, 2024. Funding is available in SG-CAREHAV20-OPERATING EXP and SR-ELECTSVC-ELECTIONS EXPENSE. (Contract No. 2020-0375)
Prior Action:


Strategic Plan:..
Strategic Plan Information:

DescriptionUpload Date
Runbeck Contract 6/23/2020
Commissioners Court Contract Form6/23/2020