Item Coversheet

County of El Paso
Agenda Item Details


Item Title:CSCD - Governor's Grant Funding Shortfall
Submitted By:Magdalena Morales-Aina, Director, Community Supervision and Corrections Department (915) 546-8120

Approve and authorize a supplement from the County of El Paso from the 384th SAPFP Re-Entry Drug Court Program Special Revenue account in the amount of $21,847 to support salary and fringe benefits for an El Paso County Community Supervision and Corrections Department (CSCD) officer assigned to the El Paso County 384th Adult Drug Court Program (Grant No. 1692117). Funding is available in SR-384SAFPCRT-OPS CONTINGENCIE. 


Due to COVID-19 pandemic, the CSCD does not have available funding to cover a shortfall for this position in any of its DP- or CC-funded programs. Revenue in 384th program fees have not been collected at the same rate. These program fees would normally cover the officer's salary at 50%. The program fees along with DP and CC funds have not yet materialized.


Office of the Governor awarded $38,644 to fund 50% of position’s salary and fringe benefits. Those funds covered fringe benefits only through 04/17 and 41 hours of salary through the pay period ended 05/02/2020.


A budget amendment will be necessary to transfer appropriations from object 690000-Operating Contingencies to object 601404-Contracted Services.


The $21,847 will cover the officer from 04/18/2020-08/31/2020 at 100%.

Fiscal Impact:

Funds are available in the amount of $21,847 from:




Recommendation:Approve and authorize a supplement from the County of El Paso from the 384th SAPFP Re-Entry Drug Court Program Special Revenue account in the amount of $21,847 to support salary and fringe benefits for an El Paso County Community Supervision and Corrections Department (CSCD) officer assigned to the El Paso County 384th Adult Drug Court Program (Grant No. 1692117). Funding is available in SR-384SAFPCRT-OPS CONTINGENCIE. 
Prior Action:N/A
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E-Grants Budget6/23/2020