Item Coversheet

County of El Paso
Agenda Item Details


Item Title:Community Services Department/ Community Development/Texas Department of Agriculture-TxCDBG Emergency Services Help for Colonias Program Funding Application
Submitted By:Irene G. Valenzuela, Executive Director, Community Services Department (915) 775-2708
Subject:Approve and authorize the County Judge to sign the Texas Department of Agriculture-TxCDBG Emergency Services Help for Colonias Program funding application in the amount of $269,732 to provide assistance to low income families residing in rural areas of the county that have been impacted by the public health and economic crisis resulting from the Coronavirus pandemic. No County match is required. (Contract No. 2020-0467)

Through a partnership between the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA) and the Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA), Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds de-obligated from other state programs are being diverted to all border Counties who participate and receive Texas Colonia Self Help Center (SHC) funds to respond to the economic crisis caused by the COVID19 pandemic.  This funding will be allotted equally amongst the seven participating County SHCs located in the various border Texas counties through a one-time grant award by TDA-Emergency Services Help for Colonias Program.  This funding is not CARES Act funding.  The funding comes from diverted federal CDBG program funds and must adhere to all the CDBG regulations.  The TDA will oversee these funds on behalf of the State.


Funds are specific to address the housing (mortgage only not rental), utility and/or food needs of colonia residents in the County.  The maximum amount of assistance per household is $2,000.  While this program is not subject to a competitive process, Counties must still submit an application for funds and if awarded, these funds can serve approximately 135 colonia residents.  It can be disbursed as a direct payment to the mortgage and/or utility company or can be used to purchase and distribute grocery gift cards.  The gift cards must be specific to grocery purchases so Counties who choose this activity under this grant must form a partnership with a grocer or grocery chain to limit the use of the gift card to grocery purchases only.


A virtual public hearing seeking colonia community input on the needs of colonia residents was held on June 25 at 5:30 pm.  Input from this meeting will help formulate our plan for assistance and deployment should funds be awarded.  

Fiscal Impact:Grant amount available for award to El Paso County is $269,732.00.  No County match is required.
Recommendation:Approve and authorize the County Judge to sign the Texas Department of Agriculture-TxCDBG Emergency Services Help for Colonias Program funding application in the amount of $269,732 to provide assistance to low income families residing in rural areas of the county that have been impacted by the public health and economic crisis resulting from the Coronavirus pandemic. No County match is required. (Contract No. 2020-0467)
Prior Action:No prior action. This is a new one-time appropriation for emergency COVID-19 response to colonia residents.  
Strategic Plan:..
Strategic Plan Information:

DescriptionUpload Date
Grant Submittal form6/9/2020
Cover Letter6/24/2020
CCC Form6/24/2020