Item Coversheet

County of El Paso
Agenda Item Details


Item Title:Information Technology Department - Contract No. 2019-0745 | AT&T, Inc. - AT&T Dedicated Internet (ADI) Circuit / Increase Speed & Change Location
Submitted By:Christopher Stathis, Chief Information Officer, Information Technology Department (915) 546-2041
Subject:Approve and authorize the County Judge to sign the AT&T Dedicated Internet Circuit Contract between the County of El Paso and AT&T Corporation. Funding is available in GF-ITD-COMMUNIC-DATA. (Contract No. 2019-0745) 
Background:The Information Technology Department (ITD) manages and maintains online internet access services for the County of El Paso (County). Over the past decade the dependency on effective online internet communication has grown in importance as both County employees and El Paso residents increasingly conduct the County’s business online. The County is therefore dependent on proper internet function to efficiently meet the needs of over 800,000 residents.

To satisfy demand for increased use of the internet as a means to conduct County business, ITD is reliant upon primary and secondary circuits to create a continuous operational online presence for the County. Should the primary circuit fail, the backup secondary circuit automatically engages to ensure continued internet connectivity for the County. The secondary circuit limited capacity of 40 megabytes provides inadequate internet speeds to sustain the County’s recommended online usage. Therefore, ITD recommends the upgrade of this circuit and its unique related services to continue the support of the County’s goal of creating a “Professional, Effective” organization for public benefit.

The County also needs to retain its existing public-facing Internet Protocol (IP) addresses in order to ensure continuity of the County’s online business and informational presence. The County’s unique IP addresses are owned and leased by AT&T and are non-transferable between Internet Service Providers (ISP). These public IP addresses are vital for the continued service of our internet domain name (e.g. and its applications (e.g. County Web Page) that rely on that presence.

ITD, therefore, is requesting that the Court approve and authorize the County Judge to sign the AT&T Dedicated Internet Services proposal between the County of El Paso and AT&T. This proposal (1) upgrades the County’s secondary backup circuit’s bandwidth to 1 gigabyte and (2) while ensuring continued use of the County’s public-facing IP addresses, which are owned by AT&T. The agreement has been reviewed and approved by ITD, the County Attorney’s Office, and the Purchasing Department. ITD recommends approval.

County Attorney's Office has reviewed and approved this agreement on May 26, 2020.

Purchasing Department reviewed and approved this purchase on June 15, 2020.
Fiscal Impact:Funds are available in
for a total amount of $27,252 for the first year.

The total fiscal impact over the next 2 years totals $ 45,589.68
• Year 1 - $ 22,794.84
• Year 2 - $ 22,794.84

Non-recurring charge of $5,600.00 will be waived upon completion of 24 month services agreement.
Recommendation:Authorize County Judge to sign the AT&T Dedicated Internet Circuit Contract between the County of El Paso and AT&T Corporation as per Contract No. 2019-0745.
Prior Action:No Prior Court Action.
Strategic Plan:..
Strategic Plan Information:This purchases supports Commissioners Court Strategic goal of Professional, Effective County Organization

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Service Order Form 6/11/2020
CA Form6/24/2020