Item Coversheet

County of El Paso
Agenda Item Details


Item Title:HR - ADA annual presentation***
Submitted By:Melissa M. Carrillo, PHR, Chief Human Resources Officer, Human Resources Department (915) 546-2218
Subject:Receive a presentation on the status of County ADA projects.

The County of El Paso entered into an agreement on May 26, 2011, with Desert ADAPT to create an ADA Transition Plan for the County. The Plan outlines how the County will come into compliance with the ADA and the Texas Accessibility Standards, and establishes procedures for barrier removal in County facilities and programs for accessibility. The Plan also includes training on ADA and sensitivity for all County employees.


The Plan will be implemented in stages over the next several years and will cover approximately 62 county buildings and approximately 12 county parks. The Plan is a living document and may need modifications throughout the transition period including modifications resulting from changes in ADA and Texas Accessibility Standards.


ADA staff has been working with the Department of Public Works to enact this Plan and to advance ADA projects within an overall Facilities Master Plan. Coordination between ADA and Public Works has facilitated the completion of several projects and brought the County into compliance at several locations. Today's presentation will provide a status update on those projects.

Fiscal Impact:No fiscal impact.
Recommendation:Receive a presentation on the status of County ADA projects.
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Strategic Plan:..
Strategic Plan Information:

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ADA Project Update 8/12/2019