Item Coversheet

County of El Paso
Agenda Item Details


Item Title:Budget & Fiscal Policy - CIP Interim Request Jail(s) PIPE System
Submitted By:Wallace Hardgrove, Executive Director, Budget and Fiscal Policy Department (915) 546-2262
Subject:Approve and authorize the Capital Improvement Interim Request for the Sheriff’s Department Detention Facility Division for the purchase and installation of a pipe system needed to replace the current scanners. Further approve the reallocation of funding from CP-IMPROV01-MISCELLANEOUS to CIP19-SODETEN-CAP.

Pipes are used as a scanning and tracking tool to ensure inmates are monitored to meet state requirements and are needed as part of the capital for the implementation of our agreement with UMC to improve our healthcare delivery.


This pipe system is needed to replace the current scanners which are outdated and not at full capacity in function. The funds will come from the $1.4M that has already been earmarked for the jail medical expansion.

Fiscal Impact:

Funding is available in:




If approved, $66,294 will be transferred to:



Recommendation:The recommendation is for Commissioners Court to approve and authorize the Capital Improvement Interim Request for the Sheriff’s Department Detention Facility Division for the purchase and installation of pipe system needed to replace the current scanners.
Prior Action:


Strategic Plan:..
Strategic Plan Information:

DescriptionUpload Date
CIP Interim Request Form1/31/2019