Item Coversheet

County of El Paso
Agenda Item Details


Item Title:County Judge's Office-Evacuation Agreement with EPISD
Submitted By:Ruben Vogt, County Judge, Commissioners Court (915) 546-2098
Subject:Approve and authorize the County Judge to sign the Interlocal Agreement for Forced Evacuation Plan Between El Paso Independent School District and County of El Paso, which states in the event of a forced evacuation of the El Paso County Courthouse or Telles Academy that each entities' employees/students may gather on the other's property to await resolution.  (Contract No. 2017-0857)

This agreement relates to El Paso County's Emergency Action Plan that is currently being reviewed.  

Fiscal Impact:None
Recommendation:Approve and authorize the County Judge to sign the Interlocal Agreement for Forced Evacuation Plan Between El Paso Independent School District and County of El Paso, which states in the event of a forced evacuation of the El Paso County Courthouse or Telles Academy that each entities' employees/students may gather on the other's property to await resolution.  (Contract No. 2017-0857)
Prior Action:This agreement relates to El Paso County's Emergency Action Plan that is currently being reviewed.  

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EPISD and El Paso County Evacuation Agreement10/24/2018