Item Coversheet

County of El Paso
Agenda Item Details


Item Title:County Judge's Office - Schedule of CC Meeting Date/Time - 2018-19
Submitted By:Ruben J. Vogt, County Judge, Commissioners Court (915) 546-2098
Subject:Discuss and take appropriate action per Local Government Code 81.005, Terms of Court, Meetings (a). "At the last regular term of each fiscal year of the County, the Commissioners Court, by order, shall designate a day of the week on which the court shall convene in a regular term each month during the next fiscal year."
Background:Every year, during the last meeting of the Fiscal Year, Commissioners Court designates the day and time of the week they will meet for regular meetings for the following Fiscal Year.
Fiscal Impact:
Recommendation:Discuss and take appropriate action per Local Government Code 81.005, Terms of Court, Meetings (a). "At the last regular term of each fiscal year of the County, the Commissioners Court, by order, shall designate a day of the week on which the court shall convene in a regular term each month during the next fiscal year."
Prior Action:Commissioners Court adopted the FY 2017/2018 schedule of regular meetings on September 25, 2017 (Item #6).
Strategic Plan:..
Strategic Plan Information: