Item Coversheet

County of El Paso
Agenda Item Details


Item Title:Public Works - Contract No. 2018-0496 Ascarate Golf Course to renew the Service Agreement
Submitted By:Norma R. Palacios, Director, Public Works Department (915) 546-2015
Subject:Approve and authorize the Parks and Recreation Department - Ascarate Golf Course to renew the TORO NSN Standard Tower Renewal Service Agreement and Extended Warranty for remote connection for current irrigation system at the Golf Course in the amount of $6,959 for a three year term.  Funding is available in GF-GOLFCOURSE-OPS EXPENSES-GEN.  (Contract No. 2018-0496)
Background:In order to create a vibrant community and a financially sound county government the Public Works/Parks and Recreation Department is requesting the approval and authorization to inter into Service Agreement with TORO-NSN. This would be a renewal of the current agreement. Remote connection for current irrigation system, 24 hour assistance and free replacement of current equipment. 
Fiscal Impact:

Total impact of $6,959.00 from account




Recommendation:Approve and authorize the Parks and Recreation Department - Ascarate Golf Course to renew the TORO NSN Standard Tower Renewal Service Agreement and Extended Warranty for remote connection for current irrigation system at the Golf Course in the amount of $6,959 for a three year term.  Funding is available in GF-GOLFCOURSE-OPS EXPENSES-GEN.  (Contract No. 2018-0496)
Prior Action:Approval
Strategic Plan:..
Strategic Plan Information:

DescriptionUpload Date
TORO NSN 9/12/2018
County Attorney's Approval 9/12/2018