Item Coversheet

County of El Paso
Agenda Item Details


Item Title:JPD - Month to Month Letter for all Residential Treatment Centers
Submitted By:Roger Martinez, Chief Juvenile Probation Officer, Juvenile Justice Center (915) 849-2500
Subject:Approve and authorize the County Judge to sign the letters for month to month services with the following contracted Residential Treatment Centers: Abraxas (2017-0676), Gulf Coast (2017-0681), Pegasus (2017-0680), Seton Home (2017-0683), Upbring (2017-0678), Rite of Passage dba Canyon State (2017-0679), Rite of Passage dba Lake Granbury (2017-0693), True Core (2017-0459) and Rockdale (2018-0356).  Pursuant to the directions of the Purchasing Department given the change in procedures to submit these matters to an RFQ procurement process, which will conclude sometime during the next year, rather than allowing the auto-renewal process to proceed before the procurement process has concluded.
Background:The contract currently are on annual renewal, with a term of one year. The notice is to place the contracts on a month to month.
Fiscal Impact:N/A
Recommendation:Recommend the County Judge and Commissioners Court approve the letter that will be sent to all residential treatment centers.
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Draft Letter8/16/2018